Terms and Conditions
By purchasing anything from our store, you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions:
1. Payments to MegaCraft for ranks are transactions for virtual perks and do not represent real-life goods in any way.
2. The payment method used to complete these transactions is either your own, or all transactions are done with the consent of the cardholder.
3. Chargebacks are forbidden in all circumstances; any attempt to complete one will result in a permanent ban on the guilty account without refund.
4. Rank perks will not be abused; failure to comply with this rule may lead to the forfeiture of the rank without a refund.
5. Under NO circumstance are you entitled to a refund or financial compensation for your purchase. These circumstances include, but are not limited to: 5a. The event that an account is banned 5b. A temporary or indefinite closure of the server 5c. The event that a technological error of some kind occurs
6. Donors must abide by all MegaCraft rules and regulations, just as any regular player is obliged to. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of the rank.
7. In the event that a rank is purchased for another player, the purchaser is subject to the all terms and conditions.
8. If a rank is purchased and has not transferred over in-game within 24 hours of purchasing, you must create a bug report on this website to notify MegaCraft staff and resolve the issue.
9. Rank perks and rewards are subject to change at any time, without prior notice. No monetary compensation will be offered in the event that features are removed.
10. The purchase of a rank does not provide immunity from bans, nor does it ensure that a greater degree of consideration will be applied to your suggestions and input.
11. Ranks are non transferable; in no circumstance will a rank be applied to an account that was not specified at the time of purchase.
12. All Tebex Terms and Conditions apply.